Method | Action |
forward(distance) | moves the Turtle forward |
back(distance) | moves the Turtle backward |
left(degrees) | rotates the Turtle left |
right(degrees) | rotates the Turtle right |
hideTurtle() | makes the Turtle invisible (moves and draws faster) |
showTurtle() | makes the Turtle visible |
speed(number) | sets the speed of the Turtle |
penUp() | lifts the pen (the Turtle moves without drawing) |
penDown() | puts the pen down (the Turtle moves and draws) |
setColor(Color color) | sets the Turtle's color |
setPenColor(Color color) | sets the Turtle's drawing color |
penErase() | erases drawn lines |
fill() | fills a restricted figure |
setFillColor(Color color) | sets the filling color |
home() | moves the Turtle back to its starting position |
setPos(x, y) | moves the Turtle to the position with the coordinates (x, y) |
getPos() | returns the current position of the Turtle |
distance(x, y) | returns the distance from the current Turtle position to the position (x, y) |
clean() | clears all drawings |
label(text) | writes a text at the current position of the Turtle |
setFont(Font font) | sets the font style |
setFontSize(size) | sets the font size |
A complete description of the Turtle methods can be found at Turtle documentation (Turtle API)
import java.awt.Color;
Default colors can be set by writing "Color." and the color's name, e.g., etc. Setting the Turtle's color can be set as in the following example:
All other colors can be defined by mixing different shares of red, green and blue. The share is defined by a number between 0 and 255. E.g.:
Color c = new Color(120, 200, 80);
A randomly mixed color can be defined as follows:
Color c = new Color((int)(Math.random() * 255), (int)(Math.random() * 255), (int)(Math.random() * 255));
abstract | Double | int | strictfp |
assert | else | interface | super |
boolean | extends | long | switch |
break | false | native | synchronized |
byte | final | new | this |
case | finally | null | throw |
catch | float | package | throws |
char | for | private | transient |
class | goto | protected | true |
const | if | public | try |
continue | implements | return | void |
default | import | short | volantile |
do | instanceof | static | while |
These words can not be used as variable names!
private | visible only in its own class |
public | visible everywhere |
protected | visible in the same package and in the subclasses |
If the modifier is missing, the default access right is protected.
If one wants to write in a good programming style it is important to deliberately use the modifiers and so limit the access rights as far as possible. Especially instance variables are strongly limited and mostly declared as private.