Class Summary |
BaseAlarmTimer |
Abstract base class for HiResAlarmTimer and LoResAlarmTimer.
BaseTimer |
Abstract base class for HiResTimer and LoResTimer.
BasicMP3FileReader |
This class implements the AudioFileReader class and provides an
MP3 file reader for use with the Java Sound Service Provider Interface.
BasicMP3FormatConversionProvider |
This class implements the FormatConversionProvider class and provides an
MP3 converter for use with the Java Sound Service Provider Interface.
Console |
Console window for line oriented input and output. |
Fullscreen |
Construct a Size object that has the current fullscreen width and height. |
GPanel |
Simple graphics window of default size 501x501 pixels (client drawing area)
using a coordinate system with x-axis from left to right, y-axis from bottom to top
(called window coordinates, default range 0..1, 0..1).
GWindow |
Simple screen window with an event handler to exit the application when
clicking the close button in the title bar. |
HiResAlarmTimer |
Alarm timer with high resolution.
HiResTimer |
Timer with high resolution.
InputDialog |
Modal input dialog. |
LoResAlarmTimer |
Alarm timer with low resolution
(Resolution normally less than 10 milliseconds.)
LoResTimer |
Timer with low resolution (based on Date.getTime())
(Resolution normally less than 10 milliseconds.)
LptPort |
Support to write to and read from the LPT port registers on a Windows operating system.
MessageDialog |
A simple message dialog (with no prompt button).
MessagePane |
Modeless dialog containing one line of text.
ModelessOptionPane |
Modeless message dialog using Swing JOptionPane.
Monitor |
Helper class for wait-notify mechanism. |
Position |
Position of a window. |
QuitPane |
Modeless dialog containing a "quit"-Button only.
Size |
The size of a window. |
SoundPlayer |
Class for playing sound files using file streaming in a separate thread.
SoundPlayerExt |
Class for playing sound files using file streaming in a separate thread.
TimerAdapter |
An abstract adapter class for receiving timer events.