Package ch.aplu.util

Interface Summary
Cleanable Interface to declare a cleanup method, called normally before program terminates.
ExitListener The listener interface for processing the GPanel's or Console's close button event.
GPrintable Interface for printing on an attached printer.
SoundPlayerListener The listener interface for receiving StreamingPlayer notification.
TimerListener The listener interface for receiving timer events.

Class Summary
BaseAlarmTimer Abstract base class for HiResAlarmTimer and LoResAlarmTimer.
BaseTimer Abstract base class for HiResTimer and LoResTimer.
BasicMP3FileReader This class implements the AudioFileReader class and provides an MP3 file reader for use with the Java Sound Service Provider Interface.
BasicMP3FormatConversionProvider This class implements the FormatConversionProvider class and provides an MP3 converter for use with the Java Sound Service Provider Interface.
Console Console window for line oriented input and output.
Fullscreen Construct a Size object that has the current fullscreen width and height.
GPanel Simple graphics window of default size 501x501 pixels (client drawing area) using a coordinate system with x-axis from left to right, y-axis from bottom to top (called window coordinates, default range 0..1, 0..1).
GWindow Simple screen window with an event handler to exit the application when clicking the close button in the title bar.
HiResAlarmTimer Alarm timer with high resolution.
HiResTimer Timer with high resolution.
InputDialog Modal input dialog.
LoResAlarmTimer Alarm timer with low resolution (Resolution normally less than 10 milliseconds.)
LoResTimer Timer with low resolution (based on Date.getTime()) (Resolution normally less than 10 milliseconds.)
LptPort Support to write to and read from the LPT port registers on a Windows operating system.
MessageDialog A simple message dialog (with no prompt button).
MessagePane Modeless dialog containing one line of text.
ModelessOptionPane Modeless message dialog using Swing JOptionPane.
Monitor Helper class for wait-notify mechanism.
Position Position of a window.
QuitPane Modeless dialog containing a "quit"-Button only.
Size The size of a window.
SoundPlayer Class for playing sound files using file streaming in a separate thread.
SoundPlayerExt Class for playing sound files using file streaming in a separate thread.
TimerAdapter An abstract adapter class for receiving timer events.