Game programming with Java

Space Invader


This example uses five different classes:
SpaceInvader, Alien, Bomb, Explosion and SpaceShip.
Working with the Online Editor, all five classes need to be written and saved inside the same file (same editor window). If you are working with a local development environment, it is recommended to work with five different files, saved inside the same source directory.

In this example we work with Sprites from the webpage If you want to replace them with your own Sprites, please save them inside the local directory userhome/gamegrid/sprites. The pictures will be added automatically to the jar-file.



Program code:


import ch.aplu.jgamegrid.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.*;

public class SpaceInvader extends GameGrid implements GGKeyListener
  private final int nbRows = 3;
  private final int nbCols = 11;

  public SpaceInvader()
    super(200, 100, 5, false);
    for (int = 0; i < nbRows; i++)
      for (int = 0; k < nbCols; k++)
        Alien alien = new Alien();
        addActor(alien, new Location(100 - * nbCols + 10 * k, 10 + 10 * i));
    SpaceShip ss = new SpaceShip();
    addActor(ss, new Location(100, 90));
    getBg().setFont(new Font("SansSerif"Font.PLAIN, 12));
    getBg().drawText("Use <- -> to move, spacebar to shoot"new Point(400, 330));
    getBg().drawText("Press any key to start..."new Point(400, 350));

  public boolean keyPressed(KeyEvent evt)
    if (!isRunning())
      setBgColor(;  // Erase text
    return false;  // Do not consume key

  public boolean keyReleased(KeyEvent evt)
    return false;

  public static void main(String[] args)
    new SpaceInvader();

// -----------class Alien ---------------
class Alien extends Actor
  private final int maxNbSteps = 16;
  private int nbSteps;

  public Alien()

  public void reset()
    nbSteps = 7;

  public void act()
    if (nbSteps < maxNbSteps)
      nbSteps = 0;
      int angle;
      if (getDirection() == 0)
        angle = 90;
        angle = -90;
    if (getLocation().> 90)

// ---------------- SpaceShip ---------------

class SpaceShip extends Actor implements GGKeyRepeatListener
  private int nbShots = 0;
  private int isGameOver = 0;

  public SpaceShip()

  public void act()
    if (isGameOver > 0)
    GameGrid gg = gameGrid;
    Location location = getLocation();
    if (gg.getNumberOfActorsAt(location, Alien.class) > 0)
      gg.addActor(new Actor("sprites/explosion2.gif"), location);
      isGameOver = 1;
    if (gg.getNumberOfActors(Alien.class) == 0)
      gg.getBg().drawText("Number of shots: " + nbShots, new Point(10, 30));
      gg.getBg().drawText("Game constructed with JGameGrid ("new Point(10, 50));
      gg.addActor(new Actor("sprites/you_win.gif")new Location(100,60));
      isGameOver = 2;

  public void keyRepeated(int keyCode)
    if (isGameOver == 1)

    Location next = null;
    switch (keyCode)
      case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
        next = getLocation().getAdjacentLocation(Location.WEST);

      case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
        next = getLocation().getAdjacentLocation(Location.EAST);

      case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE:
        Bomb bomb = new Bomb();
        gameGrid.addActor(bomb, getLocation());

  private void moveTo(Location location)
    if (location.x > 10 && location.x < 190)

// -------------class Bomb --------------------
class Bomb extends Actor
  public Bomb()

  public void reset()

  public void act()
    // Acts independently searching a possible target and bring it to explosion
    if (gameGrid.removeActorsAt(getLocation(), Alien.class) != 0)
      Explosion explosion = new Explosion();
      gameGrid.addActor(explosion, getLocation());
    if (getLocation().y < 5)

// ---------- class Explosion ----------------

class Explosion extends Actor
  public Explosion()

  public void act()