This example uses five different classes: In this example we work with Sprites from the webpage If you want to replace them with your own Sprites, please save them inside the local directory userhome/gamegrid/sprites. The pictures will be added automatically to the jar-file.
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Program code:
// import ch.aplu.jgamegrid.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.*; public class SpaceInvader extends GameGrid implements GGKeyListener { private final int nbRows = 3; private final int nbCols = 11; public SpaceInvader() { super(200, 100, 5, false); setSimulationPeriod(50); for (int i = 0; i < nbRows; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < nbCols; k++) { Alien alien = new Alien(); addActor(alien, new Location(100 - 5 * nbCols + 10 * k, 10 + 10 * i)); } } SpaceShip ss = new SpaceShip(); addActor(ss, new Location(100, 90)); addKeyRepeatListener(ss); setKeyRepeatPeriod(100); addKeyListener(this); getBg().setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 12)); getBg().drawText("Use <- -> to move, spacebar to shoot", new Point(400, 330)); getBg().drawText("Press any key to start...", new Point(400, 350)); show(); } public boolean keyPressed(KeyEvent evt) { if (!isRunning()) { setBgColor(; // Erase text doRun(); } return false; // Do not consume key } public boolean keyReleased(KeyEvent evt) { return false; } public static void main(String[] args) { new SpaceInvader(); } } // -----------class Alien --------------- class Alien extends Actor { private final int maxNbSteps = 16; private int nbSteps; public Alien() { super("sprites/alien.gif"); setSlowDown(7); } public void reset() { nbSteps = 7; } public void act() { if (nbSteps < maxNbSteps) { move(); nbSteps++; } else { nbSteps = 0; int angle; if (getDirection() == 0) angle = 90; else angle = -90; turn(angle); move(); turn(angle); } if (getLocation().y > 90) removeSelf(); } } // ---------------- SpaceShip --------------- class SpaceShip extends Actor implements GGKeyRepeatListener { private int nbShots = 0; private int isGameOver = 0; public SpaceShip() { super("sprites/spaceship.gif"); } public void act() { if (isGameOver > 0) return; GameGrid gg = gameGrid; Location location = getLocation(); if (gg.getNumberOfActorsAt(location, Alien.class) > 0) { gg.removeAllActors(); gg.addActor(new Actor("sprites/explosion2.gif"), location); isGameOver = 1; return; } if (gg.getNumberOfActors(Alien.class) == 0) { gg.getBg().drawText("Number of shots: " + nbShots, new Point(10, 30)); gg.getBg().drawText("Game constructed with JGameGrid (", new Point(10, 50)); gg.addActor(new Actor("sprites/you_win.gif"), new Location(100,60)); isGameOver = 2; return; } } public void keyRepeated(int keyCode) { if (isGameOver == 1) return; Location next = null; switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: next = getLocation().getAdjacentLocation(Location.WEST); moveTo(next); break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: next = getLocation().getAdjacentLocation(Location.EAST); moveTo(next); break; case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE: Bomb bomb = new Bomb(); gameGrid.addActor(bomb, getLocation()); nbShots++; break; } } private void moveTo(Location location) { if (location.x > 10 && location.x < 190) setLocation(location); } } // -------------class Bomb -------------------- class Bomb extends Actor { public Bomb() { super("sprites/bomb.gif"); } public void reset() { setDirection(Location.NORTH); } public void act() { // Acts independently searching a possible target and bring it to explosion move(); if (gameGrid.removeActorsAt(getLocation(), Alien.class) != 0) { Explosion explosion = new Explosion(); gameGrid.addActor(explosion, getLocation()); removeSelf(); return; } if (getLocation().y < 5) removeSelf(); } } // ---------- class Explosion ---------------- class Explosion extends Actor { public Explosion() { super("sprites/explosion1.gif"); setSlowDown(3); } public void act() { removeSelf(); } } |