Game programming with Java



The cards can be turned with a mouse click. If you would like to use your own pictures, save them locally at userhome/gamegrid/sprites. The pictures are automatically added to the jar-File.

Our pictures have the size 113 x 113 pixel. If you are using differently sized pictures, please adjust the following line: super(4, 4, 115, null, null, false)



Program code:


import ch.aplu.jgamegrid.*;
import ch.aplu.util.*;

public class Memory extends GameGrid implements GGMouseListener
  private boolean isReady = true;
  private MemoryCard card1;
  private MemoryCard card2;

  public Memory()
    MemoryCard[] cards = new MemoryCard[16];

    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
      if (< 8)
        cards[i] = new MemoryCard(i);
        cards[i] = new MemoryCard(- 8);
    addMouseListener(this, GGMouse.lPress);
    // Application thread used to flip back cards
    while (true)
      Monitor.putSleep();  // Wait until there is something to do
      delay(1000);;  // Flip cards back;
      isReady = true;
      setMouseEnabled(true);  // Rearm mouse events

  public boolean mouseEvent(GGMouse mouse)
    Location location = toLocation(mouse.getX(), mouse.getY());
    MemoryCard card = (MemoryCard)getOneActorAt(location);
    if (card.getIdVisible() == 0)  // Card already flipped->no action
      return true; Show picture
    if (isReady)
      isReady = false;
      card1 = card;
      card2 = card;
      if (card1.getId() == card2.getId())  // Pair found, let them visible
        isReady = true;
        setMouseEnabled(false)// Disable mouse events until application thread flipped back cards
    return true;

  public static void main(String[] args)
    new Memory();

// --------------------- class MemoryCard -------------------------------------------
class MemoryCard extends Actor
  private int id;

  public MemoryCard(int id)
    super("sprites/card" + id + ".gif""sprites/cardback.gif"); = id;

  public int getId()
    return id;