Game programming with Java



The bug can be guided through the labyrith with the cursor keys.



The labyrith is initialized as an object of the class GGMaze from the class library GameGrid. The labyrinth is designed randomly at each start. The parameter nbHorzCell and nbVertCells define the difficulty of the game. They need to be odd numbers.



Program code:


import ch.aplu.jgamegrid.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;

public class Labyrinth
  private final int nbHorzCells = 31;  // must be odd
  private final int nbVertCells = 31;  // ditto
  private final int cellSize = 18;

  public Labyrinth()
    GameGrid gg = new GameGrid(nbHorzCells, nbVertCells, cellSize, false);
    GGMaze maze = drawMaze(gg);
    Bug sbug = new Bug(gg);
    gg.addActor(sbug, maze.getStartLocation());

  private GGMaze drawMaze(GameGrid gg)
    GGBackground bg = gg.getBg();
    GGMaze maze = new GGMaze(nbHorzCells, nbVertCells);
    for (int = 0; x < nbHorzCells; x++)
      for (int = 0; y < nbVertCells; y++)
        Location location = new Location(x, y);
        if (maze.isWall(location))
          bg.fillCell(location, Color.white);
    return maze;

  public static void main(String[] args)
    new Labyrinth();

// ------------------class Bug ------------------------------------
class Bug extends Actor implements GGKeyListener
  private final Location startLocation = new Location(0, 1);
  private final Location exitLocation;
  private boolean isGameOver = false;

  public Bug(GameGrid gg)
    super(true"sprites/smallbug.gif");  // Rotatable
    exitLocation = new Location(gg.getNbHorzCells() - 1, gg.getNbVertCells() - 2);

  public boolean keyPressed(KeyEvent evt)
   if (isGameOver)
     return true;

    Location next = null;

    switch (evt.getKeyCode())
      case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
        if (getLocation().equals(startLocation))
          return true;
        next = getLocation().getNeighbourLocation(Location.WEST);
      case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
        next = getLocation().getNeighbourLocation(Location.NORTH);
      case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
        if (getLocation().equals(exitLocation))
          return true;
        next = getLocation().getNeighbourLocation(Location.EAST);
      case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
        next = getLocation().getNeighbourLocation(Location.SOUTH);

    if (next != null && canMove(next))
    if (next != null && next.equals(exitLocation))
      GGBackground bg = getBackground();
      gameGrid.addActor(new Actor("sprites/you_win.gif")new Location(15, 15));
      isGameOver = true;
      isGameOver = true;
    return true;

  public boolean keyReleased(KeyEvent evt)
    return false;

  private boolean canMove(Location location)
    Color c = getBackground().getColor(location);
    return (!c.equals(;