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Program code:
// BubbleShoter.java import ch.aplu.jgamegrid.*; import java.awt.Point; import java.util.*; public class BubbleShooter extends GameGrid implements GGMouseListener { int nbOfBubbleColors = 5; // Zahl zwischen 1 - 5 Location shootLoc = new Location(18, 36); ArrayList<Location> bubblePreviewLocations = new ArrayList<Location>(); private boolean previousBubbleArrived = true; public BubbleShooter() { super(37, 38, 20, false); addMouseListener(this, GGMouse.lPress); initializeActors(); show(); setSimulationPeriod(30); // => 33 refreshes per second doRun(); } private void initializeActors() { bubblePreviewLocations.add(shootLoc); for (int x = 27; x < 37; x += 2) bubblePreviewLocations.add(new Location(x, 36)); for (Location loc : bubblePreviewLocations) addRandomBubble(loc); // initialize Bubblefield: for (int y = 1; y < 6; y++) { for (int x = y; x < 37 - y; x += 2) addRandomBubble(new Location(x, 2 * y - 1)); } addActor(new Pointer(), shootLoc); setPaintOrder(Bubble.class, Pointer.class); } public boolean mouseEvent(GGMouse mouse) { if (previousBubbleArrived) { Bubble shootBubble = (Bubble)getOneActorAt(shootLoc, Bubble.class); shootBubble.addCollisionActors(getFieldBubbles()); shootBubble.addActorCollisionListener(shootBubble); shootBubble.shoot(new Point(mouse.getX(), mouse.getY())); reloadPreviewBubbles(); checkForGameOver(); previousBubbleArrived = false; } return true; } public void setReadyForNextBubble() { previousBubbleArrived = true; } private ArrayList<Actor> getFieldBubbles() { ArrayList<Actor> fieldBubbles = getActors(Bubble.class); for (Location loc : bubblePreviewLocations) fieldBubbles.remove(getOneActorAt(loc, Bubble.class)); return fieldBubbles; } private void addRandomBubble(Location loc) { int rN = (int)(Math.random() * nbOfBubbleColors); addActor(new Bubble(rN, this), loc); } /* * Reloads the shooter, advances the preview bubbles & * adds a new preview bubble at the end of the preview list. */ private void reloadPreviewBubbles() { for (int b = 1; b < bubblePreviewLocations.size(); b++) getOneActorAt(bubblePreviewLocations.get(b)).setLocation( bubblePreviewLocations.get(b - 1)); addRandomBubble(bubblePreviewLocations.get(bubblePreviewLocations.size() - 1)); } // The game is over if only the shooter & the preview Bubbles are left. private void checkForGameOver() { if (getNumberOfActors() <= 11) { addActor(new Actor("sprites/gameover.png"), new Location(18, 15)); stopGameThread(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { new BubbleShooter(); } } // ------------ class Bubble --------------------------- class Bubble extends Actor { private BubbleShooter gg; private double vy, vx, x, y; private final double acceleration = 10, bubbleRadius = 19; public Bubble(int imgId, BubbleShooter gg) { super("sprites/peg.png", 6); this.gg = gg; show(imgId); setActEnabled(false); setCollisionCircle(new Point(0, 0), (int)bubbleRadius); } public void shoot(Point mousePos) { x = getPixelLocation().x; y = getPixelLocation().y; int vx = mousePos.x - getPixelLocation().x; int vy = mousePos.y - getPixelLocation().y; double vectorLength = getPixelLocation().distance(mousePos); this.vx = vx / vectorLength; this.vy = vy / vectorLength; setActEnabled(true); } // Handles the arriving of the bubble at the bubblefield. public int collide(Actor shootActor, Actor hitActor) { setActEnabled(false); setLocation(setOnValidLocation(shootActor.getLocation())); addActorCollisionListener(null); this.setLocationOffset(new Point(0, 0)); // centers sprite removeSameColorNeighbours(this); gg.setReadyForNextBubble(); return 100; } public void act() { // collision with wall: if (x - bubbleRadius < 0 || x + bubbleRadius > gg.getPgWidth()) vx = -vx; else if (y - bubbleRadius < 0 || y + bubbleRadius > gg.getPgHeight()) vy = -vy; // movement: x = vx * acceleration + x; y = vy * acceleration + y; setPixelLocation(new Point((int)x, (int)y)); } /** * Transforms the given Location into a valid location of the * Bubble-Grid. Means: an even row is not allowed, and * every second row starting with 1 changes behaviour on the column-grid * To see more: Change the GameGrid Constructor so it shows the grid. */ private Location setOnValidLocation(Location loc) { if (loc.y % 2 == 0) return setOnValidLocation(new Location(loc.x, loc.y + 1)); else if ((loc.y % 4 == 1 && loc.x % 2 == 1) || (loc.y % 4 == 3 && loc.x % 2 == 0)) return loc; else return fixX(loc, x); } private Location fixX(Location loc, double x) { int fix; if ((x / gg.cellSize) % 1 > 0.5) fix = 1; else fix = -1; return new Location(loc.x + fix, loc.y); } public ArrayList<Bubble> getSameColorNeighbours(Bubble initialBubble) { ArrayList<Bubble> sameColorNeighbours = new ArrayList<Bubble>(); Stack<Bubble> uncheckedNeighbours = new Stack<Bubble>(); uncheckedNeighbours.push(initialBubble); while (!uncheckedNeighbours.isEmpty()) { Bubble checkBubble = uncheckedNeighbours.pop(); for (Actor a : checkBubble.getNeighbours(2, Bubble.class)) { Bubble b = (Bubble)a; if (b.hasSameColorAs(initialBubble) && !uncheckedNeighbours.contains(b) && !sameColorNeighbours.contains(b)) uncheckedNeighbours.push(b); } sameColorNeighbours.add(checkBubble); } return sameColorNeighbours; } private boolean hasSameColorAs(Bubble compareBubble) { return this.getIdVisible() == compareBubble.getIdVisible(); } private void removeSameColorNeighbours(Bubble initialBubble) { ArrayList<Bubble> sameColorNeighbours = getSameColorNeighbours(initialBubble); if (sameColorNeighbours.size() > 2) for (Bubble b : sameColorNeighbours) b.removeSelf(); } } // -------- class Pointer ----------------- class Pointer extends Actor { public Pointer() { super(true, "sprites/pointer.png"); } public void act() { Location mousePos = gameGrid.getMouseLocation(); if (mousePos != null) { // is null if mouse is outside of grid double dirToMouse = getLocation().getDirectionTo(mousePos); setDirection(dirToMouse); } } } |