A well-known puzzle game: The 15 randomly set stones can be moved with the mouse. The goal of the game is to arrange the stones in the correct order
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Program code:
// NumberPuzzle.java import ch.aplu.jgamegrid.*; public class NumberPuzzle extends GameGrid { public NumberPuzzle() { super(4, 4, 60, java.awt.Color.red, false); setSimulationPeriod(100); NumberStone[] stones = new NumberStone[15]; for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { stones[i] = new NumberStone(i); addMouseListener(stones[i], GGMouse.lPress | GGMouse.lDrag | GGMouse.lRelease); addActor(stones[i], getRandomEmptyLocation()); } doRun(); show(); } public static void main(String[] args) { new NumberPuzzle(); } } // -----------------NumberStone.java------------------------------------- class NumberStone extends Actor implements GGMouseListener { private Location location; private Location lastLocation; private boolean isDragging = false; public NumberStone(int id) { super("sprites/stone" + id + ".gif"); } public void act() { if (isDragging) { setLocation(lastLocation); // Blinking if (isVisible()) hide(); else show(); } } private boolean isFreeNeighbourCell(Location location) { GameGrid gg = gameGrid; Location[] neighbour = new Location[4]; neighbour[0] = new Location(location.x, location.y - 1); // NORTH neighbour[1] = new Location(location.x - 1, location.y); // WEST neighbour[2] = new Location(location.x, location.y + 1); // SOUTH neighbour[3] = new Location(location.x + 1, location.y); // EAST for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (gg.isInGrid(neighbour[i]) && gg.getNumberOfActorsAt(neighbour[i]) == 0) return true; } return false; } public boolean mouseEvent(GGMouse mouse) { GameGrid gg = gameGrid; location = gg.toLocationInGrid(mouse.getX(), mouse.getY()); Actor actor = gg.getOneActorAt(location); if (actor != null && // Cell not empty isFreeNeighbourCell(location) && // One free cell to move to actor == this && // Restrict to current instance mouse.getEvent() == GGMouse.lPress) { isDragging = true; lastLocation = location.clone(); } if (isDragging && mouse.getEvent() == GGMouse.lRelease) { setLocation(lastLocation); isDragging = false; show(); } if (isDragging && mouse.getEvent() == GGMouse.lDrag) { if (gg.getNumberOfActorsAt(location) < 1) // Cell not occupied lastLocation = location.clone(); } return false; // Don't consume } } |