Implementiert durch Martin Schellenberg und Stefan Moser
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Ein Vogel im Schwarm möchte einerseits seinen Nachbaren nahe sein, andererseits möchte er Kollisionen vermeiden. Sein Verhalten lässt sich mit folgenden Regeln beschreiben:
1. Separation Diese Bewegung entsteht durch den Drang einen gewissen Abstand zu den Nachbaren zu halten, um mögliche Kollisionen zu vermeiden. Der Beschleunigungsvektor des Akteurs ist entgegengesetzt zum Vektor der Summe der Positionen der Nachbarn.
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2. Aligment Das Aligment hat zum Ziel, die Geschwindigkeit und Richtung an die Bewegung der Nachbarn anzugleichen. Die Richtung des Beschleunigungsvektors des Akteurs wird gebildet aus der Differenz des Geschwindigkeitsvektors des Akteurs und des Mittelwert-Vektors der Geschwindigkeitsvektoren der Nachbarn. |
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3. Cohesion Die Cohesion hat zum Ziel, den Schwarm zusammenzuhalten und lässt den Akteur möglichst nahe beim Nachbarn bleiben. Die Richtung des Beschleunigungsvektors des Akteurs zeigt in Richtung des gemeinsamen Schwerpunktes der Punktmassen der Nachbarn. |
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4. Ausseneinflüsse Als Störungsquelle dienen in unserer Simulation Raubvögel. Um das ungestörte Scharmverhalten zu beobachten, können die Raubvögel deaktiviert werden. |
Ausführliche Erklärungen zu den Bewegungsgleichungen finden Sie unter Schwarmsimulation mit JGameGrid.pdf.
// import ch.aplu.jgamegrid.*; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.*; import java.lang.Math; public class SimFlock extends GameGrid { // Change game parameters private static final int height = 600; // Number of cells: Height of playground private static final int width = 1000; // Number of cells: Width of playground; private static final int nbFlockBirds = 200; // Number of FlockBirds private static final int nbRaptors = 3; // Number of raptors protected static final double maxro = Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height); // Maximum Radius of observation private static final int randomSeed = 123; // For initializing birds locations protected static final boolean drawTrace = true; // Draw traces of FlockBirds/raptors protected static final double timeFactor = 4; // Descrete Timestep for calculation of acc/vel/pos // Change behavior of birds protected static final double magnBird = 1; // Magnitude of velocity: FlockBirds protected static final double roFb = 50;//50; // Radius of observation: FlockBirds protected static final double rcrit = 20;//20; // Critical Radius: FlockBirds protected static final double cohesionFactor = 0.001;//0.001; protected static final double separationFactor = 0.1;//0.05; protected static final double alignmentFactor = 0.05;//0.05; protected static final double escapeFactor = 0.001; //0.001; // Change behavior of raptors protected static final double magnRaptor = 1.1; // Magnitude of velocity: raptors protected static final double roR = maxro; // Radius of observation: raptors protected static final double aggressionFactor = 0.001; public SimFlock() { super(width, height, 1, null, true); setSimulationPeriod(50); Random rand = new Random(randomSeed); for (int i = 0; i < nbFlockBirds; i++) // Generate FlockBirds { GGVector startVelocity = new GGVector(magnBird, 0); startVelocity.rotate(rand.nextInt(360)); FlockBird fb = new FlockBird(startVelocity, magnBird); addActor(fb, new Location(rand.nextInt(width), rand.nextInt(height))); } for (int i = 0; i < nbRaptors; i++) // Generate Raptors { GGVector startVelocity = new GGVector(magnRaptor, 0); startVelocity.rotate(rand.nextInt(360)); Raptor raptor = new Raptor(startVelocity, magnRaptor); addActor(raptor, new Location(rand.nextInt(width), rand.nextInt(height))); } show(); } public void reset() { getBg().clear(); } public static void main(String[] args) { new SimFlock(); } } abstract class Bird extends Actor { protected GGVector startVelocity; protected GGVector velocity; protected GGVector position; protected boolean borderCrossed; protected double velocityMagnitude; public Bird(GGVector startVelocity, String sprite, double velocityMagnitude) { super(true, sprite); this.startVelocity = startVelocity; this.velocity = startVelocity; this.velocityMagnitude = velocityMagnitude; } protected abstract GGVector getNewAcceleration(); protected abstract Color getColor(); protected abstract void tryToEat(); public void reset() { position = new GGVector(getLocationStart().x, getLocationStart().y); velocity = startVelocity; setDirection(Math.toDegrees(startVelocity.getDirection())); } public GGVector getPosition() { return position.clone(); } public GGVector getVelocity() { return velocity.clone(); } protected GGVector toTorusPosition(GGVector position) { double x = position.x; double y = position.y; if (x < 0) x = x + getNbHorzCells(); else if (x > getNbHorzCells() - 1) x = x - getNbHorzCells(); if (y < 0) y = y + getNbVertCells(); else if (y > getNbVertCells() - 1) y = y - getNbVertCells(); return new GGVector(x, y); } protected GGVector getPositionVecDiffOnTorus(Bird bird) { GGVector delta = new GGVector(); double mag; double magmin = SimFlock.maxro; int imin = 0; int jmin = 0; for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++) { delta.x = i * getNbHorzCells(); delta.y = j * getNbVertCells(); mag = position.sub(bird.getPosition().add(delta)).magnitude(); if (mag < magmin) { magmin = mag; imin = i; jmin = j; } } } delta.x = imin * getNbHorzCells(); delta.y = jmin * getNbVertCells(); return position.sub(bird.getPosition().add(delta)); } public void act() { GGVector acceleration = getNewAcceleration(); velocity = velocity.add(acceleration.mult(SimFlock.timeFactor)); velocity.normalize(); velocity = velocity.mult(velocityMagnitude); position = position.add(velocity.mult(SimFlock.timeFactor)); position = toTorusPosition(position); Location location = new Location((int) position.x, (int) position.y); setDirection(Math.toDegrees(velocity.getDirection())); setLocation(location); tryToEat(); // drawTrace(); } private void drawTrace() { if (SimFlock.drawTrace) { getBackground().setPaintColor(getColor()); getBackground().drawPoint(getPixelLocation()); } } } // class FlockBird extends Bird { public FlockBird(GGVector startVelocity, double vbird) { super(startVelocity, "sprites/bird.gif", vbird); } protected GGVector getNewAcceleration() //Behavior of the bird: acceleration { GGVector distVec = new GGVector(); GGVector cohDistSumVec = new GGVector(0, 0); GGVector sepDistSumVec = new GGVector(0, 0); GGVector escDistSumVec = new GGVector(0, 0); GGVector aligVelSumVec = new GGVector(0, 0); GGVector acceleration = new GGVector(0, 0); GGVector accCohesion = new GGVector(0, 0); GGVector accSeparation = new GGVector(0, 0); GGVector accAlignment = new GGVector(0, 0); GGVector accEscape = new GGVector(0, 0); int cohCounter = 0; int sepCounter = 0; int aligCounter = 0; int raptCounter = 0; ArrayList<Actor> neighbourBirds = gameGrid.getActors(FlockBird.class); neighbourBirds.remove(this); // Remove self from list ArrayList<Actor> neighbourRaptors = gameGrid.getActors(Raptor.class); for (Actor neighbour : neighbourBirds) { FlockBird bird = (FlockBird) neighbour; distVec = getPositionVecDiffOnTorus(bird); if ((distVec.magnitude() <= SimFlock.roFb) && (distVec.magnitude() > SimFlock.rcrit)) { cohDistSumVec.x += distVec.x; cohDistSumVec.y += distVec.y; cohCounter++; } if (distVec.magnitude() <= SimFlock.rcrit) { sepDistSumVec.x += distVec.x; sepDistSumVec.y += distVec.y; sepCounter++; } if (distVec.magnitude() <= SimFlock.roFb) { aligVelSumVec.x += bird.velocity.x; aligVelSumVec.y += bird.velocity.y; aligCounter++; } } for (Actor neighbour : neighbourRaptors) { Raptor raptor = (Raptor) neighbour; distVec = getPositionVecDiffOnTorus(raptor); if (distVec.magnitude() <= SimFlock.roFb) { escDistSumVec.x += distVec.x; escDistSumVec.y += distVec.y; raptCounter++; } } if (cohCounter != 0) { cohDistSumVec.mult(1 / cohCounter); } if (sepCounter != 0) { sepDistSumVec.mult(1 / sepCounter); } if (raptCounter != 0) { escDistSumVec.mult(1 / raptCounter); } if (aligCounter != 0) { aligVelSumVec.mult(1 / aligCounter); } accCohesion = cohDistSumVec.mult(-SimFlock.cohesionFactor); accSeparation = sepDistSumVec.mult(SimFlock.separationFactor); accAlignment = velocity.sub(aligVelSumVec).mult(-SimFlock.alignmentFactor); accEscape = escDistSumVec.mult(SimFlock.escapeFactor); if (raptCounter > 0) { //fleeing is most important! acceleration.x = accEscape.x; acceleration.y = accEscape.y; } else { acceleration.x = accCohesion.x + accSeparation.x + accAlignment.x; acceleration.y = accCohesion.y + accSeparation.y + accAlignment.y; } return acceleration; } protected Color getColor() { return Color.BLUE; } protected void tryToEat() { //A Flockbird doesn't need to eat } } // class Raptor extends Bird { public Raptor(GGVector startVelocity, double vraptor) { super(startVelocity, "sprites/raptor.gif", vraptor); } protected GGVector getNewAcceleration() //Behavior of the RAPTOR: acceleration { GGVector distVec = new GGVector(); GGVector nearestDistVecBird = new GGVector(0, 0); GGVector accAggression = new GGVector(0, 0); GGVector acceleration = new GGVector(); double mag; double minmag = SimFlock.maxro; ArrayList<Actor> neighbourBirds = gameGrid.getActors(FlockBird.class); for (Actor neighbour : neighbourBirds) { FlockBird bird = (FlockBird) neighbour; distVec = getPositionVecDiffOnTorus(bird); mag = distVec.magnitude(); if (mag <= SimFlock.roR) { if (mag < minmag) { minmag = mag; nearestDistVecBird = distVec.clone(); } } } accAggression = nearestDistVecBird.mult(-SimFlock.aggressionFactor); acceleration.x = accAggression.x; acceleration.y = accAggression.y; return acceleration; } protected Color getColor() { return Color.RED; } protected void tryToEat() { ArrayList<Actor> victim = getNeighbours(2, FlockBird.class); if (!victim.isEmpty()) { victim.get(0).removeSelf(); } } } |